Burning Sambrani resin is an age-old tradition in India. It is used for scenting the hair after washing it. It is placed on coals under the baby's cradle for a beautiful scent after the baby's oil massage and bath.
Sambrani is a delicate resin that imparts a heavenly scent. Burning Sambrani and Frankincense is said to lift sadness, elevate consciousness, and support emotional balance. Burning Sambrani and Frankincense indoors is said to cleanse the space and reduce stress.
To use: Place a small amount of sand at the bottom of the burner. Heat a charcoal piece to red hot and using tongs carefully transfer it to the Sambrani stand. Wait for the coal to turn grayish in color. Sprinkle a small amount of Sambrani/Frankincense powder or crystals on top of it. Enjoy the fragrance of Sambrani. Be sure to open windows during this process.
You can perform this ritual before meditation or after you wash your hair.
Don't discard the powder in the bag. The powder is as powerful as the crystal pieces. Use a small spoon to place the powder on the hot coal.
Caution: The copper burner will get very hot. Be sure to only use the wooden handle to move the burner. The lid is not attached to the base of the burner. Use extreme caution if you use it for drying your hair. Keep the burner far away from your skin and hair.
One copper burner
2.5 oz. of Sambrani and Frankincense powder and crystal
“I love my sambrani burner. It is beautifully made, carefully packaged and delivered quickly. There was great care in the note I received in how to work with the burner. I also received a beautiful facial oil as a gift. It has a very grounding smell and it feels so good on my skin. The quality is amazing.” - Anh Chau