Divine Mother Reading & Yantra Oracle Messages Sale
- Regular price $80.00
Channeling messages from the Divine is possible for us all. We all have these skills. And they come alive when we maintain certain practices. For many years now I have cultivated a deep relationship with Divine Mother. I treat this relationship much like I do with a fellow human. We are very close. She guides me in all aspects of my life.
How do I receive her message for you?
I sit in my intuitive/spiritual heart and listen. The only time I receive channeled messages is after my morning meditation and kriya practice. Sometimes I'm shown images. Often I hear phrases. Sometimes, she tells me, "Say this to her." Whatever comes through I record in an audio message and send it over to you.
Who is Divine Mother?
She could be Devi Bhairavi, or Mother Mary or Mother Earth or the entire Universe herself. We each have our own connection. For me, the great mother goddess is an intense form of the divine feminine. She is fierce, pin-pointed in her guidance and intensely compassionate. She is my protector and the one who pushes me beyond what I feel I'm capable of.
When I ask for a message on your behalf, any and all of these facets may come through. The message could be two minutes long or ten minutes. I speak her words till there is no more to speak.
Who is this for?
We all need extra support and guidance at certain points in our lives. Many years ago, I stopped asking for advice from friends or family members. Not because their advice was bad. I decided I could go to the very source of my life and receive guidance from the highest being - the one who loves me unconditionally and wants the highest for me.
This is the beauty of Divine Mother and her messages.
This is for you if you are feeling lost or confused about something in life for which you need/want higher support.
I have no vested interest in what comes through or what you do with it. My only interest is that I share in total integrity what is for you.
For example, I channeled for someone who was concerned deeply about her son's habits with drinking. The messages that came through gave her great comfort. She was moved to know that he was doing some deep karmic work for the lineage and that he was completely supported by divine beings.
How does it work?
Please fill out the form below
I will respond to you within five days with an audio recording.
My fee for this is $80 per session.
Why am I charging for this?
I invest many thousands of dollars in my education and study each year. This study is part of my work in this lifetime. Charging a fee for this is an exchange on the energetic level and allows me to develop my gifts further.
To keep these transactions karmically clean, I have monthly auto-donate set up for six organizations.
Please note that I can't tell you in advance how long a message might be for you. I wait till nothing else comes through.
It could be two minutes or ten minutes depending on the person and the message that comes through.
Bright blessings and pure love