Malas are sacred jewelry. Infused with the energy of different semi-precious stones and Rudrakshas, they produce a unique energy when worn. These malas are made by a family of jewelers who live in the holy city of Rishikesh, India. Each mala is blessed and energized with the Gayatri mantra.
5 Mukhi Rudraskha with Chakra Stones with Aum pendant
5 Mukhi is a type of Rudraksha that is related to Jupiter. Jupiter is benevolent and protective. Everyone needs to wear a 5 Mukhi Rudraksha mala. In addition, this mala has a beautiful AUM pendant to remind you of your spiritual nature. The stones support each of the chakras - Amethyst, Lapis lazuli, Turquoise, Aventurine, Citrine, Carnelian, Jade
You can chant AUM GURAVE NAMAHA to absorb the protective energies of Jupiter.
Howlite with 5 Mukhi Rudraksha and 3 Mukhi Rudraksha Pendant
Howlite has several therapeutic and healing benefits attributed to it in crystal healing:
Howlite is known for its calming and soothing energy. It can help quiet a restless or overactive mind and ease worry, tension, and anxiety. The peaceful vibration of Howlite can lift your mood and help you cultivate a sense of inner calm. The energy of Howlite can aid in accessing higher states of inspiration and insight.
Three - Mukhi Rudraksha Pendant is perfect for anyone who is intensely committed to burning up karmas. The Three Mukhi Rudraksha helps balance and harmonize the effects of Mars in one’s horoscope. Wearing this mala can help you overcome the challenges and obstacles that Mars may bring - anger, conflict, injury, and litigious issues. It can also help enhance the positive qualities of Mars, such as bravery, leadership, determination, and achievement.
You can chant AUM KLEEM NAMAHA to receive the benefits of the 3-Mukhi Rudraksha
Moonstone Mala with Shree Yantra Pendant
The Moonstone reenergizes our connection to the Anahata or heart Chakra, the Ajna or Third Eye Chakra and the Sahasrara or Crown Chakra. These chakras take us beyond the material into the very depth of universal consciousness. In addition, Moonstone is said to calm the mind and emotions and promote deep peace and inner harmony.
The Moonstone mala is adorned by a silver Shree Yantra pendant. The Shree Yantra is by far the most powerful representation of the Great Mother Goddess. This pendant can deepen your connection to the Divine Mother and serve as a reminder of your devotion to Her.
Chant AUM SHREEM SOMAYA NAMAHA to absorb the energies of the Moon